There is no country on earth that might have a greater need than Indonesia to be concerned about its ocean space and resources. For centuries at a crossroads of the international trade, with geo-st…
From Argentina to Zimbabwe, rapid growth and economic transformation are creating a wide array of new business opportunitiesfor multinational corporations and individual investors alike. But the …
If political power is directly related to economic wealth, then multinational corporations are powerful actors in the international system. The sales of some are greater than the gross national pro…
The new environmental policy agenda for the 1990s will require major changes in economic in the generation of power; in transport; and in the exploitation of natural resources. This volume examines…
This text establishes the principles of the field, namely concepts and background information on ecology, environmental ethics, environmental issues and strategies for dealing with these issues.
This text presents a synthesis of ideas and professional experience to address the complex area of environmental assessment. In keeping with the approach outlined in federal law--NEPA--and its impl…
Argues that a surge in capital transfer was responsible for the Reagan and Thatcher revolutions and that, in order to take advantage of these conditions, taxes and tariffs must be kept low, but tha…
With the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, any pretense of a connection of the world's currencies to any real commodity has been abandoned. Yet since the 1980s, most central banks have abando…
An engaging look at the road to a sustained economic recovery. The global finance system can be regulated to prevent massive credit fraud, tame capitalism, confront the sovereign debt crisis, and m…
Presents the policies and strategies of a wide-ranging group of ministerial personalities, central bankers, regulators and chief or senior executives of major financial and industrial groups. Their…