This book is designed for a first course in international business, either as part of a general business and management degree, or for post-experience courses. Each chapter is self-contained and ca…
Explains the analytic, strategic and personal skills required to be a successful global manager. The text shows how to develop future global managers firms of all sizes and any business.
Designed to improve skills at assessing and managing the external business environment for international firms, this book addresses various forms of political and country risk - political instabili…
This text focuses on key macro and micro issues in international business and is designed to satisfy the demands for a first course in international business at either the undergraduate or graduate…
Congratulations! You are about to read the splendid new edition of a wonderful, sensible, and simple book that will be a priceless asset to you. If you're thinking about retiring, have decided to r…
Through his Persuasion Institute, Kurt Mortensen has sought out and studied the Persuasion IQ (PQ) of the worlds top influencers. Now, in this game-changing guide, he"s leveraging his vast knowledg…
Bagi kebanyakan orang, Statistik dianggap ilmu yang ruwet dan penuh dengan rumus yang rumit. Namun dengan SPSS, pengolahan data statistik menjadi mudah dan tidak membosankan, bahkan bisa menjadi pe…
Buku ini memudahkan pemahaman materi pada setiap topik disertai contoh kasus,mulai dari cara memasukkan data statistik ke dalam SPSS bagimana cara SPSS mengolahnya dengan prosedur statistik tertent…
Kegiatan statistik pada prinsipnya bisa dibagi dalam dua tahapan: STATISTIK DESKRIPTIF, yang berkaitan dengan pencatatan dan peringkasan data, dengan tujuan menggambarkan hal-hal penting pada se…
International Business: The Challenge of Global Competition 13e by Ball, Geringer, McNett, and Minor continues to be the most current, objective and thorough treatment of international business ava…