Pengusaha selalu ingin tahu berapa nilai perusahaan yang dikelolanya, biasanya hanya menyebit nilai total asset perusahaan. Padahal seringkali nilai total asset tidak sama dengan nili perusahaan. N…
The work carried out by treasury operations and settlements has evolved beyond almost all recognition over recent years. It has developed into a critical administrative area where the processing of…
Provides up-to-date coverage of the primary aspects of bank financial management. Fundamental financial instrumental techniques, such as basic asset investment and funding instruments, basic mathem…
New banking and investment business models to navigate the post-financial crisis environment The financial crisis of 2007-2008 has discredited business models in the banking and fund management ind…
A cutting-edge text on credit portfolio management Credit risk. A number of market factors are causing revolutionary changes in the way it is measured and managed at financial institutions. Charles…
This book addresses these issues and provides a framework around which a modern credit management process can be built. Written by Sam N. Basu, a distinguished academic and banking professional, an…
In order to operate their lending business profitably, banks must know all the costs involved in granting loans. In particular, all the expenses they incur in covering losses must be included. Prov…
Revised edition of High performance banking "A BankLine publication."
Presents an in-depth review of the tremendous risk and volatility in bank financial management. This book provides a comprehensive overview of aggressive asset and liability management (ALM) and de…
This book teaches the brokerage firm branch manager how to manage an office of brokers and how to deal with the day-to-day challenges of being a branch office manager in this tumultuous financial e…