Never before has risk management been so important.Now in its third edition, this seminal work by Joël Bessis has been comprehensively revised and updated to take into account the changing face of…
"Liquidity risk is a topic growing immensely in importance in risk management. It has been much neglected by financial institutions and regulators in recent years and receives, in the course of the…
Learn the ins and outs of equity crowdfunding with this informative guide Equity Crowdfunding for Investors is a comprehensive, objective, and authoritative guide to the social and financial rew…
The ideal bank or treasury department has a maximum return from effective balance sheet planning through the management of assets and liabilities. Due to the scale of treasury operations and strict…
The Definitive Guide to Valuing Hard-to-Value Companies: Fully Revised for Today’s Financial Markets Valuing money-making companies that have long histories and established business models is …
State of the art risk management techniques and practices--supplemented with interactive analytics All too often risk management books focus on risk measurement details without taking a broader vie…
Gain a deeper understanding of the issues surrounding financial risk and regulation Foundations of Financial Risk details the various risks, regulations, and supervisory requirements institution…
Menurut beberapa peneliti, struktur matriks merupakan struktur yang mampu mempengaruhi strategi implementasi secara signifikan, namun terdapat banyak tantangan dalam kompleksitas penerapannya, hing…
Banking is now an active asset-liability risk management enterprise, attributable in large part to the globalization of commerce. The authors of this descriptive yet practical, applications-orien…
Perilaku Organizational Citizenship Behavior dibutuhkan untuk menciptakan iklim kerja yang harmonis, di mana karyawan tidak hanya menjalankan tugas utama mereka tetapi juga bersedia melakukan upaya…