Microfinance is not simply banking; it is a development tool. It has been estimated that there are 500 million economically active poor people in the world operating microenterprises and small busi…
Buku Kebijakan Bank Sentral Teori dan Praktik ditulis oleh Gubernur Bank Indonesia Dr. Perry Warjiyo bersama dengan Kepala Bank Indonesia Institute Dr.Solikin M.Juhro, yang telah berpengalaman dan …
Recent Developments in International Banking and Finance represents the research and strategies presented at the third annual Symposium on International Banking and Finance, sponsored by the Gradua…
"The first thing you think is where's the edge, where can I make a bit more money, how can I push, push the boundaries. But the point is, you are greedy, you want every little bit of money that you…
In this important policy- and campaign-relevant volume, economists, intellectuals and NGO leaders from both North and South confront what has now become the central issue of the new globalized worl…
Now you, too, can capitalize on the tremendous potential of this vital, fast-moving market, with the wealth of information collected in this comprehensive and up-to-the-minute book. Trading in the …
Written from the practitioner's point-of-view, this book provides a comprehensive treatment of financial market risk exposure & its impact on the value of the firm. Readers will find detailed, prac…
The most trusted name in tax! April 15th comes once a year. But the new tax laws will change the way we save and plan our financial affairs all year-round. That's why J.K. Lasser provides a compre…
Here's complete coverage of the market movements, diverse applications, basic instruments, pricing and portfolio risk management, credit risk considerations, and regulatory, accounting, and taxatio…
The Foreign Exchange and Money Markets Guide has also been expan- ded to include the closely related money markets such as the com- mercial paper and Eurocommercial paper markets, national money ma…