While swaps have become an essential asset and liability management tool for many large organisations, other potential users lack a basic understanding of the products and their use. Swaps provides…
This book assesses the need to secure policy consistency, the scope for inflation targeting, the sustainability of exchange rate regimes and the scope for deeper financial integration in the Austra…
Describes both financial and physical hedging strategies and programs applicable to almost any industry. Shows how to use hedging strategies to capitalize on market volatility, while minimizing the…
Throughout the 1980's and the 1990's Asia's economic growth astonished the world. The region's stock markets soared to new heights unprecedented economic growth rates were recorded and an acquisiti…
xpert advice and timely techniques for surviving and thriving within currency markets Rapid movements in currency markets have been a common occurrence in recent years, often to the detriment of t…
Against a background of liberalization and deregulation, the Japanese financial system is now undergoing substantial change - a topic of major concern in world financial circles. This book provides…
Swaps and Other Instruments focuses on the pricing and hedging of swaps, showing how various models work in practice and how they can be built. The book also covers options and interest rates as th…
This fascinating book explains the new science of behavioral finance. It demonstrates clearly how behavior-orientated analysis of the financial markets can explain and account for fundamental princ…
From the brightest minds in the field―a revealing look at how countries use their currencies to achieve prosperity . . . and the coming repercussions Bloomberg Television's Sara Eisen sheds li…
This book provides an alternative view of the workings of foreign exchange markets. The authors' modeling approach is based on the idea that agents use simple forecasting rules and switch to t…