Penelitian ini dilakukan bertitik tolak dari keprihatinan Judicial Watch Indonesia (JWI) atas penyelesaian secara hukum kasus-kasus penyalahgunaan Bantuan Likuiditas Bank Indonesia (BLBI) dalam ben…
Salah satu lembaga publik yang berdiri paling depan dalam pusaran krisis moneter di Indonesia adalah Bank Indonesia (BI). Posisinya sangat menarik karena menjadi salah satu titik sentral krisis eko…
G-20 Finance Ministry and Central Bank officials met on 16-17 February in Bali, Indonesia, to discuss a range of policy issues related to competition in the financial sector in the context of a Wor…
Hubbard builds his text upon the idea that students must develop an economic understanding for organizing concepts and facts, evaluate current and historical events using economic analysis, and use…
Well-functioning financial markets are critical for supporting East Asia's ambitious growth and development agenda. Over the coming years, East Asia's financial sector will need to be highly divers…
After 9/11, Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, knew, if he needed any further reinforcement, that we're living in a new world--the world of a global capitalist economy that is v…
The phenomenal worldwide development over the past decade of Islamic banking and finance is drawing much attention to South East Asia, which, on the platform of its own economic growth success, is …
This book argues that it is possible to create sustainable and viable financial institutions that give poor people greater access to financial services. Includes case studies of successful programm…
This widely acclaimed book argues that money is not the product of a simple deposit multiplier process. The impressive analysis includes discussions of the origins and nature of money and of the ev…
Money is a subject that has been at the center of economic debate over the centuries, providing a striking illustration of the interaction between practical polices and the development of theory. T…