Here is a single source offering managers practical insight into the implementation of expert systems in business and management applications. It describes the entire range of activities where expe…
Orthodox theory has in the past reduced economic organization to a choice between either hierarchical relations within firms or market relations between firms. However, firms are increasingly engag…
"I can remember," says lawyer Flo Kennedy, "going to court in pants and the judge remarking that I wasn't properly dressed, that the next time I came to court I should be dressed like a lawyer." It…
Teks dalam bahasa Indonesia diterjemahkan dari bahasa Inggris Judul asli : The Leadership pipeline : how to build the leadership powered company
Exploring Employee Relations is a straightforward and accessible text that is aimed at students who are taking the subject for the first time. The structure is clear and logical, leading the newcom…
Business Model Generation is a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers striving to defy outmoded business models and design tomorrow's enterprises. If your organization needs to ad…
The research obejective is to examine the perceived value in using IDX’s Social Media before they consider adopting it. This research targeted social media user who not yet follow IDX Social Medi…
Bruce Greenwald, one of the nation's leading business professors, presents a new and simplified approach to strategy that cuts through much of the fog that has surrounded the subject. Based on his …
Already cited by the Financial Times,, The Economic Times, WSJ/Mint and several other prominent global business publications, Winning in Emerging Markets is quickly becoming the go-to bo…
Understanding Business has long been the market leader because we listen to instructors and students. With this eleventh edition we are proud to offer a platinum experience, that: Improves Stude…