The most frank, readable and detailed account available in the English language of the political, economic, environmental and cultural changes sweeping through Southeast Asia. By the mid-1990s, Sou…
Berbagai perubahan yang kini terjadi dalam perekonomian Indonesia memang menarik untuk dianalisis. Beberapa pengamat bahkan memandang kesemuanya ini sebagai terobosan baru dalam kebijaksanaan ekono…
This paper seeks to present a complete and concise picture of the traditional Albanian economic system, much of which still exists, an analysis of the main economic developments and policies during…
The contents of the book are Chapter 1 Historical background Chapter 2 Physical, natural and human resources Chapter 3 Structure and growth of the economy Chapter 4 Structure and operation of t…
Hanya sedikit negara yang mengalami fluktuasi tajam seperti Indonesia. Buku ini menawarkan analisis, evaluasi, dan penjelasan yang berimbang mengenai kinerja perekonomian Indonesia sejak tahun 1967…
The comprehensive range of topics includes: the concept and measurement of development; economic theory and development; economic quality and development; human resource development; international …
An expose on the hidden side of global wealth and power, this book explores what is perhaps the most mysterious aspect of global society today. The world of offshore finance is one of dummy compani…
Buku ini mengenai ekonomi politik Indonesia dalam artikel-artikel yang dikumpulkan.
A practical investment guide designed to help individual investors make more informed investment decisions. Based on the premise that understanding how the economy works is invaluable for the avera…
Identifies ten forces--from a decline in the welfare state to a renaissance in the arts--that promise worldwide social change in the coming milennium.