"The basic economic resource - 'the means of production', to use the economist's term - is no longer capital, nor natural resources, nor 'labour'. it is an will be knowledge." With penetrating insi…
This book is a bold affirmation of the Asian "miracle" of development, an explanation of the reasons for its success, and a review of its implications. As McCord reminds us, understanding why and h…
Nowhere is the historic global transformation creating a new international context more striking than in East and South Asia. Leading specialists here discuss key economic and political changes wit…
Aims to demonstrate how a new Asia can be built through the adoption of the new Asian way, drawing on lessons from both the East and the West. Shows how modern methods of wealth creation, governanc…
The most frank, readable and detailed account available in the English language of the political, economic, environmental and cultural changes sweeping through Southeast Asia. By the mid-1990s, Sou…
What will life be like in America , Europe , Japan or China in the year 2020? As everyone's lives across the world are become increasingly interconnected by globalization and new technologies quic…
The political and economic transformation now emerging in Latin America, as some countries eschew rigid ideologies and adopt a more pragmatic combination of neoclassical orthodoxies and progressive…
Pengembangan karier adalah suatu proses di mana kemajuan karyawan melalui serangkaian tahapan, masing-masing ditandai dengan serangkaian tugas, aktivitas, dan hubungan perkembangan yang berbeda. Sa…