Gain a deeper understanding of the issues surrounding financial risk and regulation Foundations of Financial Risk details the various risks, regulations, and supervisory requirements institution…
Guide to Optimal Operational Risk and Basel II presents the key aspects of operational risk management that are also aligned with the Basel II requirements. This volume provides detailed guidance f…
A value management framework designed specifically for banking and insurance The Value Management Handbook is a comprehensive, practical reference written specifically for bank and insurance val…
Explore Islamic finance at a deeper level Intermediate Islamic Finance: Theory and Practice fills the gap for students and professionals who are already familiar with the fundamentals of Islamic…
Community banking can flourish in the face of fintech and global competition with a fresh approach to strategy Bankruption + Website offers a survival guide for community banks and credit unions…
Buku ini diawali dengan analisis terhadap krisis ekonomi dan perbankan yang mulai melanda Indonesia pada tahun 1997. Ia menguraikan latar belakang krisis, penyebab, dan segala konsekuensinya. Pada …
The most complete, up to date guide to risk management in finance Risk Management and Financial Institutions explains all aspects of financial risk and financial institution regulation, helping …
Pentingnya Big Five personality (openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism) telah diakui dalam berbagai studi tentang pengambilan keputusan keuangan, t…
Penelitian menginvestigasi herding di enam negara Asia (Indonesia, Singapura, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, India) selama periode pra, COVID-19, dan pasca-COVID-19 pada 2 Januari 2019 hingga 30 Septemb…
The global financial crisis has made it painfully clear that powerful psychological forces are imperiling the wealth of nations today. From blind faith in ever-rising housing prices to plummeting c…