Mirroring the expansion of wealth in the Middle East and Asia and a surge in Islamic self-identity, Islamic banking practices have either become the law of the land or coexist and compete with West…
he understanding of Takaful (Islamic insurance) and modern insurance will be greatly enhanced by a reading of Dr Ma’sum Billah’s Applied Takaful and Modern Insurance: Law and Practice. This …
This is a 2 volume transalation of Volume 5 of Dr. Wahbah Al-Zuhayli's Al-Fiqh Al-'Islami wa 'Adillatuh. The goal in providing this translation is to give non-Arabic readers access to the rich Isla…
In Ethical Theories in Islam, the author has given a typology of Islamic ethics, without overlooking altogether the chronological development. Four such types of ethical theory have been isolated: …
Buku Akuntansi Syariah di Indonesia Edisi 3 ini merupakan buku pengantar mengenai penerapan akuntansi syariah yang sesuai dengan ketentuan dan perundang-undangan di Indonesia, Kerangka Dasar Penyus…