Nontechnical yet analytically rigorous, The Multinational Paradigm represents a new direction in understanding the multinational corporation. Aliber suggests that changes in the relative rates of e…
Specialist courses in international finance and monetary economics are increasing in importance in both economics and business syllabuses. This book provides students of economics, business or fina…
China has a rich and long historical past. Her strategists were also numerous. As early as BC 1066, during the rule of the Shang emperor, Zhou Wang, Jiang Ziya emerged as an outstanding strategist.…
Acclaimed for its clarity, Exchange Rates and International Finance provides an approachable guide to the causes and consequences of exchange rate fluctuations, enabling you to grasp the essentials…
This book explores whether foreign direct investment (FDI) can contribute to the competitiveness of industries in Central Europe and to narrowing the gap between these transition economies and coun…
Managing International Political Risk analyzes the changing nature of threats to international investment in the "BEM's"- Big Emerging Markets- such as China, Brazil, Russia, Pakistan, India, Venez…
If political power is directly related to economic wealth, then multinational corporations are powerful actors in the international system. The sales of some are greater than the gross national pro…
Verico discusses the ASEAN economic integration from dual perspectives of time span (trade, investment and finance) and framework (bilateral, sub-regional, regional and regional plus). The work is …
Discover the Personal Finance Secrets of the Super Rich Is it possible to make multimillion-dollar profits outside the United States—without intrusion from the government? How can you protect you…
Argues that a surge in capital transfer was responsible for the Reagan and Thatcher revolutions and that, in order to take advantage of these conditions, taxes and tariffs must be kept low, but tha…