The political and economic transformation now emerging in Latin America, as some countries eschew rigid ideologies and adopt a more pragmatic combination of neoclassical orthodoxies and progressive…
For the past three decades, we have been steadily creating an extreme 'time-crunch economy' that has affected jobs, portfolios, businesses and lives. But the 'time-crunch economy' is turning into '…
Actuaries have a unique opportunity to participate in retirement rather than on postretirement even and help shape the emergence of issues that are critical to our society. Many countries have popu…
Research report evaluating wage policies and price policies from 1974 to 1980 in the USA - focuses on limited impact of wages and price guidelines; comments on legislation; discusses the criteria f…
Analyses the prospect for the future after the great illusion of the stock market bubble 'money for nothing'. This book argues that if we can avoid the twin perils of protectionism and a property s…
Not just a review of available banking technology rather, it is a practical and impartial review of how financial services and banking institutions can re-evaluate strategies and incorporate new te…
A global shortfall of 23 million qualified workers is expected in the 1990s and yet racism, sexism, age discrimination and ethnocentrism continue to plague businesses. The author considers the rewa…
Comprises ten papers. Focuses on the interaction between private and state provision of pensions.
Why do different countries have such different financial systems? Is one system better than the other? This text argues that the view that market-based systems are best is simplistic, and suggests …
This anthology introduces and places in context a collection of the most important contributions to our understanding of international political economy. Designed for classroom use, the text beg…