Penelitian kuantitatif ini dilakukan pada perusahaan di sektor Infrastruktur pada negara Indonesia, Singapura, Filipina dan Vietnam dengan tujuan melihat perbandingan kebijakan ekonomi dalam mempen…
Pemerintah Indonesia menilai urgensi kehadiran lembaga keuangan formal yang berfokus pada sektor usaha ultra mikro melalui pembentukan Holding Ultra Mikro. Holding ini terdiri dari tiga entitas BUM…
Where the strategy of staffing and business align. Strategic Staffing prepares all current and future managers to take a strategic and modern approach to the identification, attraction, selectio…
Tulisan karya ilmiah ini memiliki tiga tujuan utama yaitu, pertama adalah untuk mengetahui nilai keekonomian wilayah kerja minyak dan gas bumi berdasarkan model Kontrak Bagi Hasil (KBH) Cost Recove…
Modern Labor Economics: Theory and Public Policy, now in its fourteenth edition, continues to be the leading text for one-semester courses in labor economics at the undergraduate and graduate level…
This new and fully updated edition of International Financial Management blends theory, data analysis, examples and practical case situations to equip students and business leaders with the analyti…
Discover why Carbaugh's best-selling INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS, 18E is a favorite among students of all backgrounds for its clear, concise presentation of international trade and finance theory. This…
Economics of Strategy focuses on the key economic concepts students must master in order to develop a sound business strategy. Ideal for undergraduate managerial economics and business strategy cou…
Develop the analytical skills that are in high demand in businesses today with Camm/Cochran/Fry/Ohlmann's best-selling BUSINESS ANALYTICS, 4E. You master the full range of analytics as you strength…
While accounting and audit functions are significantly regulated and standardized in conventional financial industries and activities, through the implementation of International Accounting Standar…