From back cover "Michael D. Reagan's new book presents a balanced examination and much needed synthesis of the field of government regulation today. Emphasizing the political and institutional dime…
Explores two neglected mathematical tools essential for competing successfully in today's frenzied commodities markets: quantity, which shows the proper amounts a trader should trade for a given ma…
As Chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Board in the late 1970s, Alfred E. Kahn presided over the deregulation of the airlines and his book, published earlier in that decade, presented the first compr…
On its first publication 10 years ago, Natural Capitalism rocked the world of business with its innovative new approach - an approach that fused ecological integrity with business acumen using the …
Outlines the history of business/government relations in the United States, and explains why the laissez-faire doctrine has always appealed to Americans. In this text, the author recognizes that th…
The author of the bestseller The Zero Sum Society now tells us what we must do to remain a world-class economy at a time when other countries have outpaced us in growth, productivity and entreprene…
This book covers relationships between policy and business. Regulation and anti-trust are a few of the many topics covered in this volume. It contains a full section on industrial organization, de-…
Globalization is everyone's business, asserts Kiggundu in this comprehensive examination of globalization's influences on transition economies. Globalization presents challenges to developed and de…
Globalization deeply affects economic structures and raises the issue of how governments should respond to the new challenges. In this book, various ways of improving the institutional setup for gl…
As stability has begun to return to the Asia-Pacific region, so do international investors' appetites for high-yielding Asian securities. Right now, due to the substantial bank debt accrued during …