Buku ini mengenai ekonomi politik Indonesia dalam artikel-artikel yang dikumpulkan.
Research report evaluating wage policies and price policies from 1974 to 1980 in the USA - focuses on limited impact of wages and price guidelines; comments on legislation; discusses the criteria f…
Analyses the prospect for the future after the great illusion of the stock market bubble 'money for nothing'. This book argues that if we can avoid the twin perils of protectionism and a property s…
Addresses separable pension issues. Section I. Introduction Section II. Broad Public Policy Environment for Retirement Plans Section III. The Role of Retirement Plans Section IV. Structure of R…
Addresses separable pension issues. Section I overviews the regulatory environment. Section II investigates various forms of retirement plans and their structures in practical terms. Section III fo…
Seperempat abad lagi Indonesia akan merayakan 100 tahun kemerdekaan, diwarnai oleh beberapa kali kemunduran dan sempat pula terjerembab ke dalam jurang krisis kecil, medium maupun besar. Indonesia …