"Business professionals that struggle to understand key concepts in economics and how they are applied in the field rely on Microeconomics. The fourth edition makes the material accessible while he…
Microeconomics, 5th Edition gives students the most effective approach for learning microeconomic tools and concepts. This text provides an accessible, integrated structure with numerous practice p…
For intermediate economics courses. Blanchard presents a unified and global view of macroeconomics, enabling students to see the connections between the short-run, medium-run, and long-run. From th…
Miles and Scott deal with sophisticated issues using advanced economic theory but in a manner that is accessible to someone taking a single course in macroeconomics. They discuss real world economi…
International Student Edition of Managerial Economics & Business Strategy 9th edition by Michael Baye and Jeff Prince. It will not come with online access code. Online Access code (if required by y…
Buku ini berisi 12 studi kasus dengan latar belakang perusahaan yang ada di Indonesia, yang disusun oleh Case Center Departemen Manajemen FEUl. Studi kasus ditulis sedemikan rupa sehingga menggamba…
Multinational Business Finance trains the leaders of tomorrow's multinational enterprises to recognize and capitalize on the unique characteristics of global markets. Because the job of a manager i…
Corporate Finance by Ross, Westerfield, and Jaffe is a popular textbook that emphasizes the modern fundamentals of the theory of finance, while providing contemporary examples to make the theory co…
Organizational Behavior, Eighth Edition, continues in its tradition of being an up-to-date, relevant and user-driven textbook. Kreitner and Kinicki's approach to organizational behavior is based on…
The field of Corporate Finance has developed into a fairly complex one from its origins focussed on a company's business and financial needs (financing, risk management, capitalization and budgetin…