"This book takes a new approach to a question central to comparative politics and economics. Why do some leaders of fragile democracies attain political success - culminating in reelection victorie…
A brilliant investigation of globalization, the most significant socioeconomic trend in the world today, and how it is affecting everything we do-economically, politically, and culturally-abroad an…
Uniquely level-headed in its approach, it presents a simple strategy for futures investment centering upon the growth rate of the money supply. Downplays such traditional indicators as employment r…
Macroeconomics is the study of the fluctuations in the cycles of income and economic growth, unemployment, production and income distribution, inflation, and financial markets. Simply put, it is th…
Perilisan green bonds pada pasar keuangan internasional memiliki kemungkinan untuk menimbulkan fenomena spillover pada yield green bond antar negara. Penelitian ini menganalisis return spillover da…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis secara komprehensif hubungan antara berita ekonomi dan imbal hasil saham di Indeks LQ45 Bursa Efek Indonesia, mencakup tidak hanya berita yang langsung t…
This thesis investigates the notable effects of power disruptions on manufacturing enterprises in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. It seeks to comprehensively explore the repercussions of these interruptions on…
This book is concerned with methods of forecasting economic time series, that is, the movement over time of variables such as output, inflation, unemployment, interest rates and exchange rates. The…
The second addition of this book differs from the first by the addition of a new chapter on experimental economics. As stated in the n chapter 6, there has been a recent explosion of interest withi…
Besanko and Braeutigam present the concepts and theory of microeconomics in a style that enables the reader to learn and experience it. The authors include numerous fully worked-out problems that p…