In a world of increasing financial globalization, the I impact of financial crises can have far-reaching effects entire financial systems collapse, companies go bank- rupt, government debt increase…
Houston's book looks at business cycles and how to anticipate them. Six major climatic and economic cycles reach their low point during the 1990's, a combination of events not observed for 500 year…
A groundbreaking business book for the twenty-first century, The New Law of Demand and Supply overturns the traditional supply-side approach to how business is done, showing why a demand-based appr…
Manias, Panics, and Crashes, Fifth Edition is an engaging and entertaining account of the way that mismanagement of money and credit has led to financial explosions over the centuries. Covering suc…
For intermediate economics courses. Blanchard presents a unified and global view of macroeconomics, enabling students to see the connections between the short-run, medium-run, and long-run. From th…
Miles and Scott deal with sophisticated issues using advanced economic theory but in a manner that is accessible to someone taking a single course in macroeconomics. They discuss real world economi…
Between 2002 and 2008, Japan's economy saw constant expansion, a record among the world's advanced economies and Japan's longest period of economic growth since World War II. This remarkable achi…
Managerial decision-making in approach, this book explores the basic statistical techniques that are useful for preparing individual business forecasts and long-range plans. Incorporates instructio…
An article in Fortune a few years ago identified Robert Lucas as "the intellectual leader of the rational-expectations school." An academic colleague has called Lucas "the dominant figure in Americ…
A detailed analysis of East Asian countries, politics, and growing markets shows why this enormous region is fast becoming an important market for American businesses