The Market Risk Amendment explains policies and procedures for market risk management, gets you in step with well-established global standards, and: Comprehensively explains the meaning and implica…
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) represents a fundamental shift in the way businesses must approach risk. As the economy becomes more service driven and globally oriented, businesses cannot afford …
Enterprise risk management is a complex yet critical issue that all companies must deal with as they head into the twenty-first century. It empowers you to balance risks with rewards as well as peo…
Learn what risk management is and how you can effectively implement it in your organisation Essentials of Risk Management eliminates the complex mathematics and minutiae surrounding corporate ri…
This study addresses derivatives instruments in Islamic finance. It highlights the benefits of these instruments, their legal aspects and the appropriate alternatives. The forward, futures and opti…
A comprehensive guide to mitigating risk and fostering growth in the Islamic financial sector Islamic finance, like conventional finance is a business of financial intermediation. nbsp;Its distinct…
Financial institutions are increasingly providing Islamic financial contracts in global markets. As a result of this market growth there is a high demand to understand how to assess and manage the …
This textbook presents a variety of stochastic models for the actuary to use in undertaking the analysis of risk. It is designed to be appropriate for use in a two- or three-semester university cou…
The essential guide to managing financial institution risk, fully revised and updated The dangers inherent in the financial system make understanding risk management essential for anyone working…
The most cutting-edge read on the pricing, modeling, and management of credit risk available The rise of credit risk measurement and the credit derivatives market started in the early 1990s and …