Suatu Pengenalan Umum adalah suatu karya Syafi'i Antonio yang mengingatkan kita sekali lagi bahwe Islam adalah suatu sistem hidup yang utuh dan terpadu (a comprehensive way of life), Islam memberik…
Think video games are kids’ stuff? Think again. According to authors John C. Beck and Mitchell Wade all those hours immersed in game culture have created masses of employees with unique attribute…
This is the first major study of how corporations in America act and react strategically in the public policy process. While the study focuses on Fortune 500 companies, the findings are applicable …
Traces the events, policies, and players in the savings and loan scandal, exposing the duplicity of thrift operators, lawyers, and politicians, and criticizing current plans for reform of the banki…
This volume of essays comprises a systematic collection of views from scholars and practitioners on the future of financial systems and services and reflects the fact that the financial industry wo…
Managing Bank Risk reformulates proven concepts of credit risk management in the context of contemporary best practice techniques in portfolio management. Professor Glantz provides print and electr…
Risiko Finansial menjadi pembahasan semua pihak dalam lima tahun terakhir setelah Basel II meminta semua bank harus memperkirakannya. Awalnya, Risiko Finansial merupakan risiko yang dihadapi perusa…
Pembahasan mengenai ekonomi keuangan (Finansial Econimics) Finansial Econimics masih terus berkembang dikarenakan instrumen keuangan tersebut terus berkembang (berinovasi). Akibatnya,penilaian atas…
Pengusaha selalu ingin tahu berapa nilai perusahaan yang dikelolanya, biasanya hanya menyebit nilai total asset perusahaan. Padahal seringkali nilai total asset tidak sama dengan nili perusahaan. N…
This study concentrates on key management issues in banking, including risk management, regulation, strategic plans and competition. Throughout the text, case studies and examples are used to illus…