Penelitian terdahulu telah meneliti pengaruh efek push-pull-mooring yang mendorong niat beralih individu ke platform pendidikan non-formal. Dikarenakan faktor keuangan dan kegunaan diabaikan, penel…
Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh skor ESG terhadap kinerja perusahaan di ASEAN serta menguji peran moderasi tingkat pendidikan direktur utama dalam pengaruh ESG terhadap kinerja perusahaan. Peneliti…
Microeconomics, 5th Edition gives students the most effective approach for learning microeconomic tools and concepts. This text provides an accessible, integrated structure with numerous practice p…
Investment Valuation Tools and Techniques for Determining the Value of Any Asset Valuation is at the heart of every investment decision, whether that decision is to buy, sell, or hold. But the pric…
Taking to heart the message that the poor and middle class work for money, but the rich have money work for them, the author lays out a financial philosophy based on the principle that income-gener…
"Liquidity risk is a topic growing immensely in importance in risk management. It has been much neglected by financial institutions and regulators in recent years and receives, in the course of the…
Perubahan iklim menjadi isu global. Perusahaan listrik menjadi salah satu sektor penyumbang emisi terbesar dari tahun 1990. Inovasi hijau diperlukan perusahaan listrik namun tidak mengabaikan kiner…
Transisi dari ekonomi berbasis sumber daya fisik ke ekonomi berbasis pengetahuan telah mendorong para peneliti untuk mencari cara-cara baru untuk mengukur aset tak berwujud, seperti intelletual cap…
An advanced study of the theory, evidence and policy concerning urban areas and regions. Topics typically covered include: nature of regions and urban areas, size and distribution of cities, locati…