Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh investasi/belanja modal (capital expenditure/capex), investasi pada sumber daya manusia (human capital investment/HCI), perbandingan biaya opera…
Social capital - the informal networks, trust and common understanding among individuals in an organization - determines major competitive advantages in today's networked economy. Knowledge and Soc…
The Economics of Being Poor is mainly devoted to the economics of acquiring skills and knowledge, to investment in the quality of the population and to the increasing economic importance of human c…
UMKM merupakan pilar terpenting perekonomian Indonesia. Berdasarkan data, jumlah UMKM pada tahun 2018 mencapai 64,2 juta, dengan kontribusi terhadap PDB sebesar 61,07% atau senilai Rp8.573,89 trili…
Is your talent strategy a unique competitive advantage? As competition for top talent increases, companies must recognize that decisions about talent and its organization can have a significant str…