This book examines transaction cost economics, the influential theoretical perspective on organizations and industry that was the subject of Oliver Williamson's seminal book,Markets and Hierarchies…
Globalisasi telah menjadi faktor penting yang mendorong perusahaan untuk berekspansi secara internasional melalui penyertaan modal. Namun, korupsi di host country menjadi risiko signifikan yang dap…
Today, officers of pension funds and other large money managers are much more assertive about their shareholders' rights and have become increasingly active in dealing not only with top management,…
Kritzman outlines the underlying theories of asset allocation. He details how to use innovations in asset allocation technology to control risk mechanically. Presenting the benefits and disadvantag…
Intended for Junior/Senior/MBA course in Financial Markets, Capital Markets and Institutions. Using an international focus, this text integrates the financial markets with the activities of financi…
Tujuan penelitian kali ini adalah untuk menginvestigasi pengaruh keberagaman gender dewan komisaris, kepemilikan keluarga, dan kepemilikan institusional terhadap kemungkinan financial distress peru…
Provides the reader with a unique decision-making tool by showing how ethics play an integral part of all business decisions. It offers excellent advice on how to apply ethics in all of your everyd…