Rigorous yet practical, "Real Estate Finance and Investments" has been the leading real estate finance and investments text for over 25 years, consistently setting the standard for currency and cov…
An all-time bestseller, Dolf de Roos?s classic Real Estate Riches shows you how to find great deals and make great profits in the real estate market. You?ll learn why real estate is such a reliable…
The Handbook of Mortgage Banking is a unique business management book written by businessmen and women and their advisors in the mortgage banking field and related businesses. Its setting is the ra…
Commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS)-securitizations of mortgage loans backed by commercial real estate-have become compelling devices for fixed income investing. This title, edited by reno…
An up-to-date look at the exploding CDO and structured credit products market In this fully updated Second Edition, financial expert Janet Tavakoli provides readers with a comprehensive look at the…
The book discusses a comprehensive concept of housing finance. English and Indonesian versions bound together back-to-back and inverted. Includes index.
Fully revised and expanded, the classic guide to negotiating every aspect of any real estate transaction Real estate guru Bob Irwin breaks down all the common negotiating "tips and traps" when it c…
A core text for one semester courses in Financial Institutions and Markets. A comprehensive exploration of the world's financial markets and institutions. Foundations of Financial Markets and Ins…
Investasi merupakan suatu komitmen atas sejumlah dana yang dilakukan pada suatu masa yang bertujuan untuk memperoleh keuntungan di masa depan (Tandellin, 2014). Mayoritas investor pemula memilih in…