A fundamental problem of public sector governance relates to the very way of thinking it reflects; where organization is thought of as a ‘thing’, a system designed to deliver what its designers…
Penerbitan buku ini berawal dari banyaknya keluhan berbagai pihak tentang keterbatasan pemahaman tentang lingkungan sosial dalama kerangka pengelolaan lingkungan hidup. Hal ini disebabkan belum ter…
Economic Interests and Institutions offers a comprehensive treatment of the public policy problem, the role of economic institutions in the design of new policy initiatives, and the way in which ec…
In the moral economy, John P. Powelson argues that laws do no more than consolidate what a society has realized culturally. No major historic reform has lasted more than a few decades unless consen…
Designed as an introduction to general economics for non-majors, Sharp/Register/Leftwich’ text presents economic concepts as useful tools to analyze contemporary social issues. The book may also …