Multinational Business Finance trains the leaders of tomorrow's multinational enterprises to recognize and capitalize on the unique characteristics of global markets. Because the job of a manager i…
Di Indonesia, Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) merupakan perusahaan yang dicontoh oleh perusahaan-perusahaan lain dalam hal kepatuhan terhadap peraturan yang berlaku termasuk peraturan Tanggung Jawa…
'International Business' addresses the strategic, structural and functional implications of international business in firms around the world.
Beamish, Morrison, Rosenweig and Inkpen's, International Management, 5e is an international, international- management book. It looks at how firms become and remain international in scope. The firs…
'International Business' addresses the strategic, structural and functional implications of international business in firms around the world.
This study intends to explore the determinants of AI adoption and its impact on HRM effectiveness in Tanzanian medium enterprises (MEs). With a focus on providing insights for HR professionals and …
Offering a blend of theory and practice, this book describes the practical application of the modern theory of finance to realistic corporate decisions, made in uncertain environments, with particu…
From Concept to Wall Street is the definitive guide to the new realities of venture capital. Two leading experts in venture-backed entrepreneurship offer start-to-finish coverage of the entire proc…
This book examines foreign direct investment in a changing world economy. It offers case-studies of this investment in different national and industrial contexts. Firms and countries have encounter…
Nontechnical yet analytically rigorous, The Multinational Paradigm represents a new direction in understanding the multinational corporation. Aliber suggests that changes in the relative rates of e…