The Definitive Guide to Valuing Hard-to-Value Companies: Fully Revised for Today's Financial Markets Valuing money-making companies that have long histories and established business models is strai…
This authoritative guide--the only in-depth survey of dividend policy--challenges the belief that corporate executives and financial analysts should dismiss dividend policy as irrelevant to shareho…
Studi ini mengevaluasi kepuasan pengguna terhadap ekosistem layanan Lelang Indonesia yang disediakan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Negara - Kementerian Keuangan berdasarkan analisis sentimen da…
Profesi Diplomat merupakan profesi yang unik dengan dilakukannya mutasi luar negeri secara rutin dan dengan fasilitas serta insentif yang berbeda. Namun demikian, baik profesi maupun fenomena mutas…
In this substantially revised and updated edition of his 1986 business classic, Creating Shareholder Value, Alfred Rappaport provides managers and investors with the practical tools needed to gener…
"The definitive source of information on all topics related to investment valuation tools and techniquesValuation is at the heart of any investment decision, whether that decision is buy, sell or h…
Ketatnya persaingan usaha pembiayaan mikro serta usaha kecil dan menengah ditambah adanya revisi peraturan kecukupan modal minimum untuk Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) adalah suatu permasalahan yang…
This text formerly constituted the statistical appendix to the World Development Report, and is now published as a stand-alone text. The text includes more than 800 indicators for 148 countries, re…
Focuses on the problem of valuing an actual company using real world data. This book gives serious treatment to the underlying theory of financial analysis and valuation, but the main goal is to be…
High yield bonds are becoming increasingly popular among professional investors. They are attractive to pension funds and banks. This text deals with the various aspects of the high-yield market an…