The authors claim that the greatest opportunity to improve negotiation performance lies in focusing on decision-making activities. Deviation from rationality, cognitive errors, assumptions of accur…
The Third Edition of the bestselling Diagnosing Organizations shows how consultants and applied researchers can help decision makers quickly and flexibly diagnose problems and challenges and decide…
Konten-konten dalam buku ini antara lain Bab 1 Pendahuluan Bab 2 Teori Nilai Perusahaan Bab 3 Peramalan Pendapatan Perusahaan Bab 4 Nilai Buku terhadap Harga Bab 5 Nilai Saham terhadap Penjual…
Tuntutan bahwa bisnis harus beretika mutlak, tak dapat ditawar jika bisnis ingin berkembang dan lestari. Artinya kebiasaan berbisnis secara baik dan etis memang menjadi sebuah tuntutan dari dalam s…
This second edition of the ground-breaking Ethics in Finance is an up-to-date, valuable addition to the emerging field of finance ethics. Citing examples of the scandals that have shaken public con…
This book takes a new approach to ethics by focusing on the kinds of dilemmas that confront people almost daily on the job. The author's unique contribution is to meld philosophy with everyday deci…
Illustrates how using ethics in decision making can improve communication, resolve disagreements, and set just standards for worker-management relations. Presents strategies for how organizations c…
By showing you how to customize your communication methods to a specific person's character type on the fly; this unique book provides you with the clues and tools to get someone to say yes to you …
This case-oriented text applies current insights in ethical theory to a variety of issues drawn from today's managerial experience. The cases go beyond simply raising questions to theoretically exp…
What do corporations look like when they have integrity, and how can we move more companies in that direction? Corporate Integrity offers a timely, comprehensive framework- and practical business l…