Studi ini menganalisis Faktor-faktor Penentu Probabilitas dalam Kesulitan / Kegagalan Skema Pembiayaan Public-Private Partnership dalam Pembangunan Infrastruktur. Berdasarkan data yang diproses, ya…
Data klaim asuransi kesehatan pada prakteknya memiliki karakter nominal klaim yang tidak selalu sama dengan manfaat yang tertera di polis, sehingga membuat nilai klaimnya menjadi fluktuatif dan men…
The book that shows how to get the job done and deliver results . . . whether you're running an entire company or in your first management job Larry Bossidy is one of the world's most acclaimed CEO…
A dozen management fads have come and gone in the past decade, but brand equity, first explored by David Aaker in the late 1980s, has exploded in importance. Recognized by Brand week as "the dean o…
CMI Management Book of the Year 2017 - Management Futures Category Data is changing the nature of competition. Making sense of it is tough; taking advantage of it is even tougher. There is a clear …
Operations Management presents a broad introduction to the field of operations in a realistic and practical manner, while offering the largest and most diverse collection of issues on the market. S…
When employees are engaged, they are passionate and feel a deeper connection to their work. Grateful Leadership is an essential approach for leaders who want to achieve the bottom line and foster a…
To stay ahead of the pack, you must translate your organization's competitive strategy into day-to-day actions that will enable your company to win in the marketplace. This means channeling resourc…
Though the modern Islamic finance system has existed for more than forty years, its size and influence in the banking industry has expanded massively in just the last decade. This book looks at Isl…
In this third edition of his classic book, Edgar Schein shows how to transform the abstract concept of culture into a practical tool that managers and students can use to understand the dynamics of…