You can be as innovative and impactful -- if you can change your behaviors to improve your creative impact. In The Innovator's DNA, authors Jeff Dyer, Hal Gregersen, and bestselling author Clayton …
In a time of unremitting, accelerating technological change, James W. Cortada offers a calm, intelligent path through the wilderness, helping managers understand the big picture and successfully ma…
Academic Writing for International Students of Business is the first book specially designed to assist overseas students studying Business or Economics courses in English. Most courses expect stude…
Learn the true process of a successful entrepreneur with ENTREPRENEURSHIP: THEORY, PROCESS, PRACTICE, 9e! Presenting the most current thinking in this explosive field, this renowned entrepreneurshi…
Learn the true process of a successful entrepreneur with ENTREPRENEURSHIP: THEORY, PROCESS, PRACTICE, 10e! Presenting the most current thinking in this explosive field, this renowned entrepreneursh…
For undergraduate courses in Principles of Marketing. Why do students love this book? This is the only book that makes marketing REAL to them by using real people-real marketers. Like most introduc…
Mergers, Acquisitions, and Other Restructuring Activities: An Integrated Approach to Process, Tools, Cases, and Solutions, Ninth Edition, is the most current, comprehensive and cutting-edge text on…
The third edition of The Theory of Interest is significantly revised and expanded from previous editions. The text covers the basic mathematical theory of interest as traditionally developed. The b…
Belch/Belch 9th edition continues its Advertising focus with an emphasis on IMC. It includes very comprehensive coverage of Agency issues and creative work and how it is related to the IMC mix. The…
To effectively plan, implement, and evaluate Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) programs, one must understand the overall marketing process, consumer behavior, and communications theory. Bel…