Peran sektor perpajakan sangat penting dalam perekonomian negara. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, target penerimaan pajak terus meningkat seiring dengan kebutuhan pembiayaan negara yang semakin besa…
Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah menjadi sektor utama dalam mencapai Indeks Tata Kelola Pengadaan yang Baik. Sebagai unit kerja yang memiliki peran strategis dalam pengadaan barang dan jasa untuk k…
Get ready to be an effective digital leader, influencer, disruptor, and catalyst for change in the digital world! As a leader you need to constantly evolve to achieve sustained success. The wo…
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • More than two million copies in print! The premier resource for how to deliver results in an uncertain world, whether you’re running an entire company or in your …
Penelitian ini berfokus pada analisis pengaruh kinerja Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) dan hubungannya dengan kemungkinan indikasi terjadinya financial fraud pada perusahaan terbuka di …
To be successful at work you need to be good at your job. You know that. And you are. However, to achieve your maximum potential, and to really get what you want at work, you need more than just to…
Set up your company for long-term success by building and reinforcing your leadership pipeline In the newly revised third edition of The Leadership Pipeline, a team of veteran leadership practit…
It is widely believed that the underwriter affects the IPO performance of the issuing firm. This research examines how the reputation of underwriters affects the initial returns of IPOs with the mo…
As the market-leading textbook on the subject, Project Management: The Managerial Process is distinguished by its balanced treatment of both the technical and behavioral issues in project managemen…
Burnout pada pegawai sektor publik menjadi isu penting karena tingginya tuntutan kerja dan tekanan dalam lingkungan pemerintahan, yang berdampak pada kesejahteraan individu dan kinerja organisasi. …