Penelitian ini menginvestigasi secara empiris pengaruh praktik knowledge management, transformational leadership, dan work-life balance terhadap employee performance melalui peran affective commitm…
Acknowledged as the outstanding business leader of the late twentieth century, Jack Welch made General Electric one of the world's most competitive companies. This dynamic CEO defined the standar…
Great business leaders possess more than celebrated traits like charisma and an appetite for risk. They have "contextual intelligence"a profound ability to understand the Zeitgeist of their times…
He was one of the most inspirational role models of all time. Thrown into poverty at age four, Konosuke Matsushita (Mat-SOSH-ta) struggled with the early deaths of family members, an apprenticeship…
A guidebook to managing people more effectively by understanding the basic principles of psychology. It should help managers by translating arcane psychology principles into plain English. Covers s…
he importance of corporate governance became dramatically clear at the beginning of the twenty-first century as a series of corporate meltdowns from managerial fraud, misconduct, and negligence cau…
Terkait dengan upaya untuk meningkatkan produktivitas di perusahaan-perusahaan milik negara (BUMN), diperlukan penelitian tentang variabel mana saja yang berdampak pada peningkatan kinerja karyawan…
Manajemen perusahaan diharapkan dapat melakukan strategi-strategi baru secara inovatif, hal ini tentu saja berkaitan erat dengan kepemimpinan digital dapat mempengaruhi iklim dalam lingkungan dan o…
Melalui penelitian ini, penulis selaku peneliti ingin mengkaji pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan (servant leadership dan ethical leadership) terhadap terciptanya keterikatan bekerja (work engagement) bagi…
Perubahan besar yang dipicu oleh globalisasi dan pandemi COVID-19 telah menuntut adaptasi dan kreativitas dalam dunia kerja, khususnya di era digital. Generasi milenial dan gen Z, yang mendominasi …