The goal of this study is to promote the use of green human resource management (HRM) in Indonesia, as previous research has shown that it can enhance both business profitability and possibly quali…
This study intends to explore the determinants of AI adoption and its impact on HRM effectiveness in Tanzanian medium enterprises (MEs). With a focus on providing insights for HR professionals and …
Berdasarkan informasi yang dikumpulkan terhadap Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN), ditemukan bahwa terdapat kesenjangan kinerja dimana sebagian besar pegawai yang bertugas pada bagian tertentu memiliki t…
Armstrong's Handbook of Performance Management addresses all areas of performance management, from performance pay and giving feedback to managing underperformers and having difficult conversations…
As competitors strive to win the war for talent, effective human resource management is necessary to gain true competitive advantage in the marketplace. Three challenges companies face are sustaina…
There is no country on earth that might have a greater need than Indonesia to be concerned about its ocean space and resources. For centuries at a crossroads of the international trade, with geo-st…
An expert's perspective on how competition can make this industry work. There has never been a coherent plan to restructure the electricity industry in the US - until now. Power expert Sally Hunt g…
Enables finance practitioners to compete in and understand the volatile new environment in the world of finance, and helps managers more readily anticipate and discuss the threats and opportunities…
Banking and Finance on the Internet Mary J. Cronin, Editor Every business day, banks, brokerage houses, and other institutions transfer millions of dollars around the globe at the speed of light. Y…
Perilaku Organizational Citizenship Behavior dibutuhkan untuk menciptakan iklim kerja yang harmonis, di mana karyawan tidak hanya menjalankan tugas utama mereka tetapi juga bersedia melakukan upaya…