Robert L. Kuhn's Investment Banking brings to life the art, the science, and the tools of the modern financier and dealmaker--today's investment banker. Capturing the dynamism, the very way of thin…
Doing Deals is an in-depth explanation of the unique management style of investment banks. Represented are insights drawn from 17 U.S. investment banks, 21 issuing customers, and 10 European financ…
The Handbook of Mortgage Banking is a unique business management book written by businessmen and women and their advisors in the mortgage banking field and related businesses. Its setting is the ra…
Inside stories of Indonesian Banking Restructuring Agency.
Economic growth of a country is greatly determined by the viability of its banking system. High economic growth is facilitated/supported by a strong and healthy banking system, since it has a major…
In Secrets of Swiss Banking, offshore financial specialist Hoyt Barber shows how to protect your hard-earned assets by safely and legally moving your money into trusted Swiss financial institutions…
Discover the Personal Finance Secrets of the Super Rich Is it possible to make multimillion-dollar profits outside the United States—without intrusion from the government? How can you protect you…
Melalui buku ini diberikan dasar-dasar pemahaman risiko perbankan dan penerapan manajemen risiko kontemporer berdasarkan kesepakatan Basel II (Basel Capital Accord II) serta Peraturan Bank Indonesi…
Buku edisi kelima ini merefleksikan adanya tambahan materi baru yang substansial mengenai Indonesia: kebijakan moneter dan perbankan yang dirangkum dalam beberapa bab, Bab-bab baru yang diperkenalk…
This book provides answers to these and other questions by examining how finan- cial markets (such as those for bonds, stocks, and foreign exchange) and financial insti- tutions (banks, insurance c…