Di Indonesia, Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) merupakan perusahaan yang dicontoh oleh perusahaan-perusahaan lain dalam hal kepatuhan terhadap peraturan yang berlaku termasuk peraturan Tanggung Jawa…
Partisipasi karyawan merupakan hal penting dalam operasional perusahaan yang dapat berdampak pada kebijakan dan keputusan perusahaan. Serikat pekerja sebagai organisasi yang menaungi pekerja berper…
Wondering how the most accomplished leaders from around the globe have tackled their toughest challenges? Now you can find out--with Lessons Learned. Concise and engaging, each volume in this new s…
It has been said that scammers and swindlers often display characteristics commonly attributed to good leadership. These include setting a vision, communicating it clearly, and motivating others to…
Toyota doesn't just produce cars; it produces talented people. In the international bestseller, The Toyota Way, Jeffrey Liker explained Toyota's remarkable success through a 4P model for excellence…
"Make the move up to senior management with lessons from world renown business school experts. Based on themes from INSEAD's popular Transition to General Management programme, authors Kevin Kaiser…
A Roadmap for Leadership and Cultural Transformation Throughout today's rapidly changing business world, top CEOs face two primary challenges: solving the leadership gap and creating a sustainable …
Buku ini mengulas tentang mutasi DNA yang terjadi dan yang perlu dilakukan oleh para eksekutif powerhouse . Dan karena mutasi itu bersifat sensitif, seperti sensitifnya penangkaran hewan-hewan la…
This fine blend of Harvard scholarship and seasoned judgment is really two books in one. The first develops a sophisticated approach to negotiation for executives, attorneys, diplomats -- indeed, f…
Congratulations! You are about to read the splendid new edition of a wonderful, sensible, and simple book that will be a priceless asset to you. If you're thinking about retiring, have decided to r…