Kesetaraan gender tetap menjadi isu yang persisten di tempat kerja di seluruh dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Studi ini menggunakan Teori Organisasi Berperspektif Gender Acker untuk menyelidiki praktik …
Seiring dengan kondisi perubahan lingkungan yang sangat cepat dan tidak terduga, diperlukan perilaku kerja inovatif dari pegawai publik untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan kualitas kualitas layanan pu…
Joseph Nye coined the term "soft power" in the late 1980s. It is now used frequentlyand often incorrectlyby political leaders, editorial writers, and academics around the world. So what is soft…
In a front-page review in the Washington Post Book World, John Judis wrote: "Political analysts have been poring over exit polls and precinct-level votes to gauge the meaning of last November's ele…
Francis Fukuyama examines the paths that different societies have taken to reach their current forms of political order.
Makalah seminar mengenai kondisi sosial budaya dan politik di Indonesia bagian timur. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pertahanan dan Konsolidasi Perdamaian bagi Masyarakat Indonesia Timur yang diselengg…
A White House veteran, Sandalow explores what would happen if the next President made breaking America's addiction to oil a top priority. Offering a window into the White House at work, Sandalow ex…
Since 1990, more than 10 million people have been killed in the civil wars of failed states, and hundreds of millions more have been deprived of fundamental rights. The threat of terrorism has only…
"How can such a gentle people as we are be so murderous?" a prominent Indonesian asks. That question--and the mysteries of the archipelago's vast contradictions--haunt Theodore Friend's remarkable …
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