Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi …
This current, accurate and detailed industry guide for financial service professionals examines life and health insurance simultaneously from the viewpoints of the buyer, the advisor, and the insur…
Strategic Marketing Sustaining Lifetime Customer Value Perkembangan dunia usaha atau bisnis tidak terlepas dari pengaruh perubahan lingkungan dan kondisi bisnis itu sendiri. Perubahan lingkungan sa…
Quiet quitting atau "berhenti secara diam-diam" merupakan suatu konsep atau fenomena di mana karyawan menurunkan dedikasi, antusiasme, komitmen, dan partisipasi mereka di tempat kerja atau organisa…
Risiko adalah suatu keniscayaan di dalam kehidupun. Selama ada ketidakpastian, maka selalu ada risiko yang menghadang, Dunia bis adalah dunia yang dinamis dan bergerak cepat. Ada kalanya risiko sul…
From the Inside Flap "Many of the best and most successful corporations in the world have adopted the Leadership Pipeline model as the core framework for their efforts on the human side of their b…
Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman, renowned researcher Maurice Obstfeld, and new co-author Marc Melitz of Harvard University, continue to set the standard for International Economics cours…
Krugman and Obstfeld provide a unified model of open-economy macroeconomics based upon an asset-market approach to exchange rate determination with a central role for expectations.
The Definitive Guide to Valuing Hard-to-Value Companies: Fully Revised for Today's Financial Markets Valuing money-making companies that have long histories and established business models is strai…
This authoritative guide--the only in-depth survey of dividend policy--challenges the belief that corporate executives and financial analysts should dismiss dividend policy as irrelevant to shareho…