This book presents the main valuation approaches that can be used to value financial institutions. By sketching 1) the different business models of banks (both commercial and investment banks) an…
As institutional shareholders increase pressure on value creation and as central banks around the world are forcing banks to improve their ALM capabilities, the time has come for every banker to ma…
Berbagai penelitian terdahulu menjelaskan adanya peran mediasi job satisfaction dalam pengaruh antara human resource management practice terhadap job performance. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk men…
Tesis ini membahas tentang perencanaan business coaching yang akan dilakukan pada UMKM Sukinabe. Sukinabe adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di Industri Makanan khususnya restoran all you can eat yang…
Perubahan iklim menjadi isu global. Perusahaan listrik menjadi salah satu sektor penyumbang emisi terbesar dari tahun 1990. Inovasi hijau diperlukan perusahaan listrik namun tidak mengabaikan kiner…
Volume 2 contains some of Professor Leibenstein's seminal papers on X-Efficiency together with later articles which both more fully develop the concept and place it in a wider, micro-micro economic…
Adam Kahane spent years working in the world's hotspots, and came away with a new understanding of how to resolve conflict in a way that seems reasonable--and doable--to all parties. The result is …
This empowering guide goes beyond observable techniques to offer a close look at the creative internal processes--both cognitive and psychological--that successful mediators and other conflict reso…
The Fourth Edition of a seminal work in the field of mediation and conflict resolution For almost thirty years, conflict resolution practitioners, faculty, and students have depended on The Mediati…
Unleash Conflict's Creative Potential Absolutely essential reading for anyone interested in identity conflicts and how to overcome them. Provides a fascinating theoretical introduction to the pheno…