Banking is becoming an information age technology leader that provides its services through a growing number of channels, driven by the convenience demands of consumers. The Electronic Future of Ba…
Argues that perfect competition has a tendency to promote a general deterioration in quality. The book also contends that it is very difficult for competitive firms to behave in socially desirable …
Taking a global approach to economic geography, this text analyses the changing character of human and physical resources and provides an introduction to spatial economics. The book provides a thor…
This text offers an overview of the major theories and concepts of economic geography.
For the past three decades, we have been steadily creating an extreme 'time-crunch economy' that has affected jobs, portfolios, businesses and lives. But the 'time-crunch economy' is turning into '…
In the fierce competition in the airline industry, customer satisfaction and loyalty are crucial to ensuring the survival and profits of every airline company. Technology utilization is one of the …
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak risiko mortalitas dan morbiditas terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Asuransi Jiwa di Indonesia pada masa COVID-19. Data pada penelitian diperoleh dari Satg…
Dalam kegiatan operasionalnya bank selalu menghadapi risiko. Credit/financing risk merupakan salah satu risiko penting dalam kegiatan perbankan dimana pemberian kredit/pembiayaan merupakan kegiatan…
Salah satu sektor industri strategis dalam perekonomian makro adalah industri minyak sawit. Dalam perekonomian makro, industri minyak sawit berperan strategis sebagai penghasil devisa terbesar, lok…
Penelitian ini mengkaji distribusi dan sebaran peluang dari durasi kejadian waktu dari mulai kredit diberikan kepada debitur hingga terjadinya kredit bermasalah (default) dan menjelaskan karakteris…