This revised edition of Peter Senge’s bestselling classic, The Fifth Discipline, is based on fifteen years of experience in putting the book’s ideas into practice. As Senge makes clear, in the …
Leading management guru Peter M Senge defines the five business 'disciplines' which together help to build learning organizations. These companies will be the successful ones in the coming decade b…
Thompson, Strickland and Gamble's, Crafting and Executing Strategy, 15e presents the latest research findings from the literature and cutting-edge strategic practices of companies have been incorpo…
Thompson, Strickland and Gambles’, CRAFTING AND EXECUTING STRATEGY, 17e presents the latest research findings from the literature and cutting-edge strategic practices of companies have been incor…
The 15th edition of Marketing Management is a landmark entry in the long successful history of the market leader. with the 15th edition, great care was taken to provide an introductory guide to mar…
In the seventh edition of Mergers, Acquisitions, and Other Restructuring Activities – winner of a 2014 Textbook Excellence Award (Texty) from the Text and Academic Authors Association – Donald …
Financial Institutions, Markets, and Money provides a balanced introduction to the operation, mechanics, and structure of the U.S. financial system emphasizing its institutions, markets, and financ…
Business Essentials continues to provide a solid foundation of the essential topics that first-semester business students need to understand. Its focus on practical skills, knowledge of the basics,…
Operations Strategy: Competing in the 21st Century addresses the basic decisions leaders of operations must address: vertical integration, capacity, facilities, process technology, information tech…
Kinicki, Organizational Behavior 3e develops students' problem-solving skills through a unique, consistent, integrated 3-step Problem-Solving Approach that lets them immediately put research-based …