For undergraduate and graduate marketing strategy courses. A comprehensive, practice-driven approach to developing decision-making skills in marketing. Decision-making in marketing is first and for…
A comprehensive, practice-driven approach to developing decision-making skills in marketing.Decision-making in marketing is first and foremost, a skill. And since all skills are learned through pra…
Baye’s fundamental goal is providing students with the tools from intermediate microeconomics, game theory, and industrial organization that they need to make sound managerial decisions. The 10th…
Strategic Marketing, 8/e" by Cravens and Piercy is a text and casebook that discusses the concepts and processes for gaining the competitive advantage in the marketplace. The authors examine many c…
Operations Strategy is focused on the interaction between operational resources and external requirements. Companies such as Apple, Google and Tesco have transformed their prospects through the way…
Strategic Management, 5e by Frank T. Rothaermel is the fastest growing Strategy title in the market because it uses a unified, singular voice to help students synthesize and integrate theory, empir…
Written with a managerial focus, New Products Management 11e by Crawford and Di Benedetto is useful to the practicing new products manager. Along with the management approach, the perspective of ma…
In a world of stiffening competition, business strategy is more crucial than ever. Yet most organizations struggle in this area--not with formulating strategy but with executing it, or putting thei…
"Strategic Marketing 9/e" by Cravens and Piercy is a text and casebook that discusses the concepts and processes for gaining the competitive advantage in the marketplace. The book is designed aroun…
This case describes Uber's global market entry strategy and responses by regulators and local competitors. It details Uber's entry into New York City (New York), Bogotá (Colombia), Delhi (India), …