Perkembangan usaha penyedia makan minum di Indonesia semakin pesat, didukung penetrasi internet yang luas dan potensi yang signifikan. Pelaku bisnis di Indonesia diajak untuk memanfaatkan food infl…
Penelitian ini meneliti dampak implementasi praktik manajemen stratejik High Performance Human Resource Practices (HPHRPs) terhadap Employees’ Innovative Behavior (EIB) baik secara langsung maupu…
Penelitian menginvestigasi herding di enam negara Asia (Indonesia, Singapura, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, India) selama periode pra, COVID-19, dan pasca-COVID-19 pada 2 Januari 2019 hingga 30 Septemb…
In The Politics of Uncertainty Peter Marris examines one of the most crucial and least studied aspects of social relationships: how we manage uncertainty, from the child's struggle for secure attac…
Regarded as one of the most influential management books of all time, this fourth edition of Leadership and Organizational Culture transforms the abstract concept of culture into a tool that can be…
"Interpersonal Skills in Organizations" by de Janasz, Dowd, and Schneider takes a fresh, thoughtful look at the key skills necessary for personnel and managerial success in organizations today. Cho…
Interpersonal Skills in Organizations, 2nd Edition, by deJanasz, Dowd, and Schneider takes a fresh, thoughtful look at the key skills necessary for personnel and managerial success in organizations…
The second edition of Consumer Culture explores the nature and role of consumption in modern societies. Celia Lury's up-to-date revision of this successful classic establishes the importance of new…
A guide to human body language explains how to decipher nonverbal communication, how to read other people's thoughts and emotions through their gestures, and how to insure that one's own gestures a…
For the graduate level course in research methods that can be found in either psychology or education departments. This text examines the fundamentals of solving a scientific research problem, focu…