Buku Peran Penting Konsep Diri dalam Membentuk Track Record Edisi Pertama (2016) diperuntukkan bagi generasi penerus bangsa Indonesia. Generasi milenium yang memiliki etos/semangat kerja untuk meng…
The contents of the book are Chapter 1 Theory and Research in Social Psychology and Organizations Chapter 2 Sensemaking in Organizations: Small Structures with Large Consequences Chapter 3 Out o…
Many significant failures—from FEMA’s response to Hurricane Katrina to the recent economic collapse—could have been prevented or mitigated if those lower in the hierarchy were successful at c…
Regarded as one of the most influential management books of all time, this fourth edition of Leadership and Organizational Culture transforms the abstract concept of culture into a tool that can be…
The contents of the book are Introduction by Oliver E. Williamson CHAPTER 1: Chester I. Barnard and the Intelligence of Learning by Barbara Levitt and James G. March CHAPTER 2: Symbols and Organ…
Many organizational designs are possible, and some are better than others. An effective organization produces excellent results by any standard measure while enhancing the energy and commitment of …
Social capital - the informal networks, trust and common understanding among individuals in an organization - determines major competitive advantages in today's networked economy. Knowledge and Soc…
Illustrates how using ethics in decision making can improve communication, resolve disagreements, and set just standards for worker-management relations. Presents strategies for how organizations c…
The contents of the book are UNIT I DIMENSIONS OF ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION: COMMUNICATION AND CULTURES Chapter 1 Cultures As Communicative Creations Chapter 2 Entering Organizational Culture…
With the publication of Servant Leadership in 1977, a new paradigm of management entered the boardrooms and corporate offices of America. Robert K. Greenleaf, a retired AT & T executive, proposed t…