Meredith's newest edition of Project Management focuses on all facets of the steps needed to successfully manage a project - from planning and resources to budgeting and more. An important goal is …
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh manajemen partisipatif, affective commitment, continuance commitment dan dukungan organisasi terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) de…
Research indicates that emotional intelligence (EI) accounts for an astonishing 70-80 percent of management success. Technical expertise just isnt enough anymore: project managers need strong int…
Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy is the eighth edition of the globally leading textbook for Services Marketing by Jochen Wirtz and Christopher Lovelock, extensively updated to featu…
A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) —Fifth Edition reflects the collaboration and knowledge of working project managers and provides the fundamentals of project ma…
Partisipasi karyawan merupakan hal penting dalam operasional perusahaan yang dapat berdampak pada kebijakan dan keputusan perusahaan. Serikat pekerja sebagai organisasi yang menaungi pekerja berper…
Crawford's New Product Management 12e provides the management approach to teaching new products, with the perspective of marketing. Adopters of previous editions will notice that the format is s…
The Age of the Network offers leaders, managers, and teams a new, practical view of how to think about their companies and reinvent them without losing the value and knowledge that's embedded in th…
How to stay on course and achieve extraordinary performance in a sea of change In today's change-or-die business environment, companies that achieve the highest levels of performance are "robust or…
Profesi Diplomat merupakan profesi yang unik dengan dilakukannya mutasi luar negeri secara rutin dan dengan fasilitas serta insentif yang berbeda. Namun demikian, baik profesi maupun fenomena mutas…