Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara dengan tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi yang cukup pesat dan berdampak pada peningkatan kebutuhan masyarakat akan produk-produk peralatan elektronik home appliances…
Kreativitas dan inovasi merupakan faktor yang dituntut untuk terus ditingkatkan dalam sebuah organisasi termasuk pada organisasi sektor publik karena selalu dikaitkan dengan kualitas pelayanan yang…
Fueled by the relentless disruption of emerging digital technologies, businesses are pressured to adapt through digital transformation. However, research on digital transformation in the context of…
The great advances of the 1990s were only the beginning. The coming decade will produce a host of new and expanded applications for existing technologies as well as a vast array of powerful innovat…
China is tirelessly working to overcome its technological deficiencies by driving R&D initiatives in government and business and adapting Western Internet platforms for domestic use. It is extendin…
The process of user-centered innovation: how it can benefit both users and manufacturers and how its emergence will bring changes in business models and in public policy. Innovation is rapidly b…
Although nanotechnology deals with the very small—a nanometer is 1/80,000th the diameter of a human hair—it is going to be huge. From the food we eat, the clothes we wear, and the products we m…
Kodama uses the concept of a techno-paradigm shift to express the radical changes in the way technology has been and continues to be developed, applied, and commercialized over time. In analyzing d…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi efek berkelanjutan mediasi dalam konteks pengalaman merek, komitmen merek, kepercayaan merek, dan cinta merek terhadap loyalitas merek sepatu olahraga.…
Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, industri konstruksi telah mengalami pergeseran menuju keberlanjutan dan inovasi teknologi ramah lingkungan karena keduanya merupakan aspek penting yang fokus pada tuj…