Efektivitas pelatihan daring terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan dan kinerja karyawan masih menjadi perdebatan para ahli. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi efektivitas pelatihan daring terhadap peningkata…
This book contains reprints of articles that have been previously published in the Journal of Financial Economics, the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Business, Econometrica, and the Financial A…
Money managers are constantly on the look-out for every opportunity they can find that may help them gain a few basis points of return on the money they manage. The decision to internationalise a p…
This book is about the scientific methods and scientific thinking that psychologists use to investigate behavior and mental processes. By under- standing and applying these methods, and this thinki…
An accessible textbook that provides an overview of the historical origins and development of voting theory, this guide explores theories of voting and electoral behaviour at a level suitable for c…
Focus Group: A Practical Guide for Applied Research was the standard for learning how to conduct a focus group. This highly acclaimed book in its third edition includes numerous updates and impro…
The SAGE Handbook of Quantitative Methodology for the Social Sciences is the definitive reference for teachers, students, and researchers of quantitative methods in the social sciences, as it pro…
Offering an insider′s view of the subject, this practical guide demystifies the process of publishing in scholarly journals. The author explains how to increase the chances of having articles acc…
The research methods course that most psychology majors are required to take is a challenge for both students and the instructor. The challenge for students is to deal with concepts that are alien …