“…Brand Activism will be required reading, not only in business schools and by NGOs and campaigners, but by asset managers, owners, pension funds’ trustees and senior corporate executives wor…
Quantitative analysis is the scientific approach to managerial decision making. Whim, emotions, and guesswork are not part of the quantitative analysis approach. The approach starts with data. Like…
For courses in Management Science or Decision Modeling A solid foundation in quantitative methods and management science This popular text gives students a genuine foundation in business anal…
In an increasingly complex world, decision analysis has a major role to play in helping decision-makers to gain insights into the problems they face. Decision Analysis for Management Judgment is un…
The subject of “design thinking” is the rage at business schools, throughout corporations, and increasingly in the popular press—due in large part to the work of IDEO, a leading design firm, …
Quantitative Analysis for Management will help you develop a real-world understanding of business analytics, quantitative methods, and management science. With this practical approach, you'll get a…
Is your talent strategy a unique competitive advantage? As competition for top talent increases, companies must recognize that decisions about talent and its organization can have a significant str…
Traditional notions of stand-alone, "atomistic" organizations are giving way to new concepts about organizations and new modes of organizational interaction. Systems thinking is now becoming an ess…
Featuring many classic articles, the popular Strategy Reader provides a remarkable overview of continuing debates in the field of strategic management. The second edition retains many of the classi…
Students are already strategists in their personal lives. This concise text, intended primarily for undergraduate seniors and MBA students, provides students with the know-how to apply effective st…