Epidemi COVID-19, yang berlangsung dari tahun 2020 hingga 2022 membuat organisasi sektor publik harus beradaptasi terkait sistem kerja yang digunakan demi mencapai target kinerja pegawai dan organi…
Penelitian ini menginvestigasi secara empiris pengaruh praktik knowledge management, transformational leadership, dan work-life balance terhadap employee performance melalui peran affective commitm…
Provides comprehensive coverage of business research. This title features student-friendly design that contains numerous examples illustrating real-world research in management, marketing, finance,…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh employee knowledge and awareness terhadap Employee Green Behavior (EGB) yang dimediasi oleh faktor green motivation, behavioral intentions, enviro…
Kendaraan listrik merupakan alternatif kendaraan ramah lingkungan untuk mengatasi permasalahan peningkatan emisi karbon global. Namun demikian, perkembangan penggunaan kendaraan listrik di Indonesi…
Social capital - the informal networks, trust and common understanding among individuals in an organization - determines major competitive advantages in today's networked economy. Knowledge and Soc…
This work provides an analysis of issues that affect rational decision-making about information technology. This involves posing dilemmas, identifying trade-offs, recognizing pitfalls and unravelli…
To keep your competitive edge in the marketplace, you must find practical and inexpensive ways to retain the clients you have, develop new clients, and increase your bottom line. Marketing Your Con…
Designed for researchers, managers, and administrators who make research-based decisions, as well as students of the social sciences and business. The entire research process, from variables to fin…
In this broad-ranging analysis of the central role that knowledge plays in our life, Nico Stehr critically examines the premises of existing social theory and explores the knowledge relations in ad…